
What happened to Dr Reza Ahmadi?

Dr Reza Ahmadi, previously employed as the medical director of Cosmos Aesthetics’ Melbourne branch, was found to have conducted operations during the COVID-19 lockdown without informing our head office. Upon discovering this, we initiated an internal investigation that confirmed these activities and identified unreported medical outcomes. Following our procedures and commitment to patient safety, we reported these findings to AHPRA and terminated Dr Ahmadi’s employment. We remain dedicated to maintaining high standards of care and patient safety.

It was this notification which instigated a response from AHPRA. AHPRA’s investigative and regulatory process led to the banning of Dr Ahmadi from performing cosmetic surgery. He has been permitted to work as a GP and he is currently employed with the MyClinic group.

Cosmos Aesthetics is dedicated to patient safety and quality assurance. Company wide system processes and regulations have been placed to ensure high standards of care and patient safety and to prevent such an occurrence ever happening again.Dr Ahmadi’s current registration status and any conditions on his registration are publicly available on the AHPRA website.

Dr Ahmadi’s current registration status and any conditions on his registration are publicly available on the AHPRA website.
