Appearance of cellulite is estimated up to 90% of us have dimpled, lumpy skin mainly on our thighs and buttocks that just doesn’t improve with dieting, cellulite creams and anti-aging skin treatments.

Some of us choose to embrace cellulite, but for others, the orange peel looking skin can make them feel unhappy about their body. New treatments that go skin deep may improve the quality of your skin and the cellulite dimpling. The secret ingredient may lie in your fat cells.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is characterised by a dimpled appearance of the skin’s surface that typically occurs around the thighs, buttocks and hips. Cellulite is more commonly experienced with women due to the difference in the distribution of fat cells, muscles and connective tissue.

Cellulite isn’t necessarily a result of excess body fat. Rather it is caused by fat deposits that distort and push against the connective tissue that lies beneath the layer of skin. This causes that dimpled and lumpy appearance that’s often likened to cottage cheese or orange peel.

What causes cellulite?

The exact cause of this stubborn appearance of the skin is uncertain. Some GP’s and dermatologists will say it’s a normal variant that occurs with women and men from all walks of life. However, cellulite dimples are considered related to the following:

  • Fat cells push and puckering through connective tissue;
  • Reduced collagen production and skin elasticity due to aging;
  • Excess fluid building up under the layer of skin;
  • Genetics;
  • Changes in fat distribution due to oestrogen;
  • Excessive weight gain and extreme weight loss can worsen the skin’s appearance;
  • Sun damage;
  • Skin thickening;
  • Pregnancy;
  • A lack of exercise.

Can cellulite be prevented?

With no direct known cause, it’s not always possible to prevent the occurrence of cellulite no matter how early you start with cellulite reduction creams.

However, maintaining a healthy weight through a nutritionally balanced diet and regular exercise may help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Keeping well hydrated and daily dry-brushing may also diminish the severity of cellulite dimpling as will smoking cessation.

Read: What to Know About Liposuction and Your Cellulite

Although these lifestyle changes may make cellulite less noticeable, they won’t significantly alter the structure of the skin or gain long-term results.

Fat injections for cellulite treatment

As explored in various treatments, one approach involves using one’s own fat cells, among other options.

Through the use of Liposuction, fat cells are taking from other areas of your body and reinjected into the divots and lumpy spots to significantly dimish the appearance of cellulite.

Why use your own fatty tissue?

Adipose tissue naturally contains stem cells. These stem cells remain dormant in the body until they are needed to regenerate damaged or lost tissue. Their unique abilities allow them to transform into many different types of cells and replicate rapidly which is why they’re often used in transplantation and regenerative medicine.

In fact, scientists believe using Liposuction to extract fatty tissue may have the potential to treat neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, or significant injury such as lost limbs.

Essentially, your excess fat may be incredibly useful!

How many treatments are required?

Now back to cellulite. When the fat transfer occurs through Liposuction, it’s is purified and treated with antibiotics before being strategically reinjected to fill and repair the cellulite dimples.

There is no guarantee how much the cellulite will improve after this cosmetic treatment, but often the dimpling diminishes significantly and in turn. Depending on the extent of the cellulite, you may need one to two treatments to improve the skin’s appearance.

To find out whether you’d be a great candidate for cellulite treatment using your own fat cells, contact our team at Cosmos Aesthetics on 1300-138-797 or email at [email protected].