Liposuction is one of the most effective cosmetic surgery procedures to remove stubborn fat. But what areas of the body can be treated? And what does “one area” refer to?

Liposuction is not intended as a weight loss solution. It is a procedure aimed at reshaping specific areas of the body by removing unwanted fat deposits. The outcomes of liposuction, such as body contouring, depend on individual factors including body type and target area.

But there are many other areas of your body that can benefit from liposuction including sights where only a little amount of fat is needed to be removed to produce incredible results.

Watch Dr Joseph Ajaka explain the specific areas Cosmos Aesthetics treat with liposuction for body contouring and body fat removal here.

Areas of the body treated by liposuction

One area of liposuction refers to both sides of the body. For example, the inner thighs on the left and right or fat deposits in both breasts. During a liposuction procedure, both sides of the area are treated to ensure symmetry and body shape enhancement. After all, you don’t want to have one slim thigh and another with plenty of fatty tissue.

Starting from the top to the bottom, here are the areas of the body Cosmos Aesthetics treat with Liposuction techniques. Each area noted is considered “one area” treated in the cosmetic procedure.

The face & neck

Before and After - Liposuction to the neck

Before and After – Liposuction to the neck

  • The lower face
    Fat removal here helps to refine the facial features and jawline and might be a great alternative to a facelift.
  • The neck
    Liposuction in the neck helps to get rid of the dreaded double-chin and correct the loose skin referred to the turkey neck.
  • The ‘Buffalo Hump’
    This is the area between the back of the neck and shoulders. An excess amount of fat here is common for people who have endured long-term steroid use to treated chronic medical conditions.

The Torso

Before and After - Liposuction to the tummy region

Before and After – Liposuction to the tummy region

  • The chest
    Breasts on both a male and female can be treated with liposuction. For males, this is known as Gynecomastia. For a female to be a good candidate for breast reduction via liposuction, they need to have enough fatty tissue in the chest area, not just large glands.
  • The upper tummy
    This is the area above the belly button but below the bra line.
  • The lower tummy
    This is the area below the belly button commonly defined as the excess fat that hangs over your pant waistline.
  • The suprapubic region
    Liposuction here isn’t common but targets excess fatty tissue above the pubic area.
  • The love handles
    Removing excess fat in your love handles can help to significantly shape and contour the body.
  • The lower back
    This refers to the fatty tissue below the bra line. The surgical procedure here is more common in females than it is in males.
  • The upper back
    Liposuction in the upper back area above the bra line targets the lats which is a procedure more commonly sought after by males than females. This also includes the excess fat cells in the axillary tail which nestles between the armpit and breast area.

The extremities

Before and After - Liposuction to the arms

Before and After – Liposuction to the arms

  • The arms
    It’s the underside of the arms that is treated by liposuction techniques to correct the dreaded “bingo wings” rather than the upper arms.
  • The inner thighs
    Removing pockets of fat here can help to accentuate the thigh gap.
  • The outer thighs
    Liposuction to the outer thighs can improve the portions and shape of the body. It may also help to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • Front of the thighs
    Removing fat from the front of the thighs can significantly reduce the overall size of the upper legs.
  • Knees
  • Calves
  • Ankles


Before and After - Brazilian Butt Lift

Before and After – Brazilian Butt Lift

  • Buttock
    These days removing excess fat from the buttock is not a sort after cosmetic procedure. In fact, it’s more popular to have liposuction in other areas of the body and to put this excess fat into the buttock through a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure as seen here in the before and after.
  • Posterior Thigh
    Just below the buttock region can be excess deposits of fat or what we refer to as the “banana roll”. You can take out a small amount of fat, however, removing too much can result in a sagging bottom.

When considering liposuction, it is crucial to have realistic expectations. This procedure is designed to contour the body by removing fat from specific areas and is not a substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle. It is not a method for overall weight loss. It’s also worth noting, the results of liposuction will vary depending on how much fat is removed and the skin elasticity and quality.

Following the post-operative procedures, including wearing a compression garment and attending your lymphatic drainage massage appointments, will further assist with your body contouring results.

Consulting with an experienced cosmetic or plastic surgery team will help to confirm whether you are a good candidate for the Liposuction procedure and what areas of the body can be treated. Contact Cosmos Aesthetics on 1300-138-797 or email at [email protected] to find out more information.