Vaser Liposuction is a renowned cosmetic surgery procedure for its body contouring abilities, making it a popular treatment at our Gold Coast clinic.

The surgical procedure appeals to many people who are struggling to shift excess fat deposits from areas such as their abdomen, love handles or outer thighs even by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

However, there is often a misconception surrounding the Vaser Liposuction procedure with many believing it is a miracle weight loss solution and can end their excess fat cell woes. Best candidates of the cosmetic procedure are actually those who already maintain a healthy, active lifestyle and who want to continue to do so post fat removal.

Why? Because although Vaser Liposuction does permanently remove the excess fat cells from the targeted areas of the body, weight gain is still possible if the results aren’t maintained.

Fat cells are permanently removed with Vaser Liposuction

One of the main advantages of liposculpture is the ability to permanently remove excess fat cells from targeted areas of the body.

By making small incisions in the skin of the treated area, cosmetic doctors are able to use a cannula to break up and melt the fat deposits before suctioning them out of the body.

In the process, the doctors are contouring the areas of the body to sculpt and refine the individual’s shape. After the recovery time and the bruising subsides, the patients will be able to see the results of the liposuction procedure.

Once the fat deposits are removed from the targeted sites, they will not return and the results of the liposculpture will be permanent. However, this will not prevent future weight gain hence the reasons why liposuction is not considered a weight loss surgery.

What happens if I gain weight after my Vaser Liposuction in the Gold Coast?

Weight fluctuations throughout our lifetime are not uncommon. For some, managing these fluctuations can be easier than for others.

If you do happen to gain a small amount of weight after your Vaser Liposuction at any of our Cosmos Aesthetics, including the Gold Coast, it won’t have a dramatic impact on your results.

However, if you gain a considerable amount of weight post-liposuction procedure it can have a significant effect on your body shape. New fat cells may accumulate in both the treated and untreated areas of the body. Just like with weight gain during any other time of your life, you can’t anticipate or direct to where it goes.

While this may mean you increase your dress size, in most cases the body contouring effects of the Vaser Liposuction will remain. For example, if removing the desired amount of fat through the liposuction procedure has resulted in a curvaceous hourglass shape, this shape will remain, just a larger version.

This means, maintaining the results of your Vaser Liposuction does require you to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, preferably before you book into cosmetic surgery at our Gold Coast clinic.