Vaser Liposuction is a popular and successful cosmetic surgery procedure to remove excess fat cells. There are several types of people who are suitable for Vaser Liposuction, however active individuals, in particular, who have been hitting the gym to shift those stubborn fat deposits and build muscle may benefit more from Vaser Liposuction and it’s body contouring effects.

While the results of the Vaser Liposuction procedure are impressive, it’s important to understand, it is not a weight-loss tool. The surgical procedure also won’t prevent weight gain should you adopt unhealthy dietary habits and live a sedentary lifestyle in the future.

The overall results of the Vaser Liposuction procedure rely heavily on your ability to make healthy lifestyle choices prior and post the cosmetic surgery. This includes consideration of what’s on your plate and how frequent you exercise.

Resuming exercise after your Vaser Liposuction in Adelaide

Resuming exercise after your Vaser Liposuction procedure is not only beneficial for your overall health but also to maintain the fat cell removal and body contouring results.

One of the benefits of Vaser Liposuction over Traditional Liposuction or more invasive surgical procedures is the minimal recovery time required thanks to the gentle ultrasound technology and avoidance of general anaesthetics.

Patients are encouraged to resume normal daily activities a day or two after the cosmetic surgery. Light physical activity, such as walking, is advised immediately after liposuction to help prevent blood clots and the build-up of fluid.

Depending on the patient’s individual recovery and the presence of any side effects, most will get back into their vigorous activities such as aerobic workouts, strength training or running in as little as 2-3 weeks. It’s important to remember, you will be wearing a compression garment 3 weeks full time and 3 weeks part-time, so this many restrict some movement.

Take it slow

After Vaser Liposuction both men and women can be a little too enthusiastic to hit the gym and train at a high intensity to maintain the benefits of their liposculpture. While exercise is encouraged after your minimal downtime, it is important to take it slow initially, gradually increasing the intensity over time.

Vaser Liposuction recipients are recommended to begin exercising at approximately 25 per cent less than their usual workouts before gradually increasing the intensity as tolerated. This applies to both aerobic and resistance style training.

While there is very little risk of patient’s sustaining injury to their treated areas by hitting the gym hard from the word go, some exercises can feel uncomfortable. If you do feel discomfort, it’s a good sign you’re pushing too hard before your body has had the opportunity to recover fully.

Maintaining your Vaser Liposuction results

Vaser Liposuction allows doctors to target subcutaneous fat cells and contour the body shape. However, the potential negative of liposuction procedures is that the body can compensate by replacing the removed fatty tissue with visceral fat.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found women who didn’t exercise after their Liposuction surgery had a 10 per cent increase in visceral fat cells than they had prior to the cosmetic surgery.

Those individuals who exercised three times a week after the liposuction procedure didn’t gain any fat. They also had improved insulin sensitivity, reducing their risks of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, as well as a marked improvement in their physical fitness.

This highlights that although excess fat cells targeted by Vaser Liposuction are permanently removed, it is important to exercise frequently in order to maintain the body contouring results and prevent an increase in visceral fat.

When deciding to undergo any cosmetic or plastic surgery, it is essential you have realistic expectations and are aware of the level of commitment required to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle long term.