Liposuction, a cosmetic surgery procedure available at Cosmos Aesthetics, is designed to assist in the removal of fat from specific areas of the body. It is intended for individuals who are seeking body contouring in certain areas and not as a primary method for weight loss.

But we often receive questions about the effects of weight gain after liposuction.

If I gain weight, will it ruin my liposuction results? Will the fat cells come back after liposuction? Where in my body will new fat be if I do gain weight post-surgery? 

These are genuine concerns for anyone considering a liposuction procedure

Liposuction surgery is not a substitute for weight loss 

It’s important to understand, liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure and shouldn’t be considered a substitute for positive lifestyle changes like a healthy diet and physical activity. 

The procedure which removes excess fat cells from desired areas of the body offers body contouring and sculpting. Some of the most commonly targeted areas include the abdomen, love handles, thighs, back, buttocks and arms. 

Explore our Liposuction procedure options here.

Liposuction surgery offers a permanent change to your body shape but it does not promise ever-lasting weight loss. 

The return of fat cells after liposuction

During the liposuction procedure, excess fat cells from targeted areas are removed. It’s important to note that while these cells are removed, maintaining a stable weight post-surgery is crucial to sustaining the results, as weight gain can affect the overall body shape.

Watch cosmetic practitioner Dr. Joseph Ajaka discuss weight gain after liposuction on our Instagram feed below:

Weight gain after liposuction can affect various parts of the body, not necessarily limited to untreated areas. It’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle post-procedure to sustain the results, as weight fluctuations can impact overall body shape.

Significant weight gain, however, can result in new fat cells accumulating in both the treated and untreated areas of the body. This highlights the importance of making healthy lifestyle changes to maintain your results. 

Maintain a stable weight before liposuction 

As liposuction is not a weight-loss tool, it’s recommended that liposuction patients be at their ideal weight or close to before undergoing the procedure. 

If you’re able to maintain a stable weight before liposuction, it will increase your chances of permanently preserving your liposuction results. The best way to achieve healthy weight loss and keep the number on the scales stable is by gradually losing weight rather than by extreme diets or supplements. 

By implementing a healthy routine of a balanced diet and regular physical activity before you undergo the procedure, you’ll already be in the right mindset to keep it going post-surgery. 

Exercise may prevent weight gain after liposuction

Maintaining your liposuction results isn’t just about watching your caloric intake. Studies have found exercise is effective in counteracting the growth of visceral fat after liposuction. 

Visceral fat is fat that’s found deep inside the abdomen and is associated with increased health risks such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other obesity-related conditions.

Liposuction helps to remove subcutaneous fat cells which are located under the skin’s surface but doesn’t necessarily address the excess visceral fat. If you adhere to a sedentary lifestyle without regular exercise, you risk the chance of visceral fat levels rising whether you’ve had liposuction or not. 

If you are considering liposuction, it’s essential you maintain a training regime post-surgery to not only maintain your results but for your overall health and wellbeing. 

Unsure whether you’re a suitable candidate for liposuction surgery? Explore our liposuction procedures in more detail here. You can also contact our team at Cosmos Aesthetics to discuss your desires for the surgical procedure on 1300-138-797 or at [email protected].

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