
Gynecomastia Surgery Melbourne

Gynecomastia is a medical condition characterised by excessive amounts of male breast glandular tissue in boys or men. It’s very common in adult men and boys going through puberty, and even newborns have been known to develop this condition. The cause is typically a decreased amount of the hormone testosterone in relation to estrogen.
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    How much does male breast reduction cost in Melbourne?

    We understand that cost often plays a huge factor in our patient’s decision to undergo gynecomastia surgery. However, no cosmetic procedure fits into a one price fits all strategy. The cost of a male breast reduction varies from patient to patient and can be divided into the fees charged by the hospital, your anaesthetist and your Cosmos Aesthetics doctor.

    • Hospital fees: This fee is typically made up of the time spent in the operating theatre and the time required to recover from anaesthesia.
    • Anaesthetist’s fee: Your anaesthetist’s fee can vary, depending on the qualifications and experience of your anaesthetist.
    • Doctor’s fee: Your doctor’s fee can also vary from patient to patient, depending on your doctor’s experience and the complexity of your individual procedure.

    At Cosmos Aesthetics, our male breast reduction procedures start at $5,500. However, your final cost will depend on the factors mentioned above. To receive the most accurate quote, please get in touch to organise a consultation with our doctors.

    What causes gynecomastia?

    Like women, men also have both fat cells and breast tissue in their chest, which can potentially swell and become breasts. Male breasts can develop as a result of multiple factors, including:

    • Genetics
    • Hormonal changes
    • Obesity and weight fluctuations
    • Certain diseases, such as chronic liver or kidney disease
    • Certain medications
    • Over-use of recreational drugs, such as alcohol, marijuana and anabolic steroids

    Although men can develop gynecomastia at any stage in life, it is most common in adolescents and middle-aged men. While male breasts are actually quite common, they can be a sensitive issue for many men. If you are deeply dissatisfied with the appearance of your chest, it may be time to consider gyno surgery.

    Am I a suitable candidate for gyno surgery?

    If you fit the following criteria, you may be a suitable candidate for gynecomastia correction surgery:

    • You are bothered or self-conscious by the appearance of your chest
    • You have realistic expectations regarding what gyno surgery can achieve
    • You are in good physical and mental health
    • You experience physical discomforts as a result of your breast size
    • Alternative medical treatments have failed to correct your male breasts
    • You do not smoke or use recreational drugs

    The best way to determine whether you are a candidate for a male breast reduction is to meet with our doctors for a consultation at Cosmos Aesthetics.

    What is the difference between liposuction and surgical excision?

    A male breast reduction can be performed using liposuction techniques, surgical excision or a combination of the two. At Cosmos Aesthetics, all of our gynecomastia procedures are performed via liposuction.

    Liposuction works best when gynecomastia is caused by an excess of fatty tissue. During the procedure, fluid is injected into the breast tissue before a cannula is inserted through a small incision. The cannula is moved back and forth to dislodge the excess fat, which is then removed from the body through vacuum suction.

    However, if excess skin needs to be removed, or if the areola and nipple need to be repositioned or reduced, we may need to refer you to a doctor who performs surgical excision. This method is performed under general anaesthesia and requires an incision around the nipple.

    While most men are best suited to liposuction, our doctors will suggest the best approach for you during a consultation.

    What is Vaser Liposuction?

    At Cosmos Aesthetics, all of our male breast reduction procedures are performed using Vaser liposuction. VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance and represents the latest development in surgical liposuction. The Vaser technique uses sound wave energy to liquefy and dissolve fat cells, making them easier to remove from the body with less disruption than traditional liposuction.

    Each liposuction technique follows the same core process: fat deposits are broken up and suctioned out of the body using saline solution, anaesthesia and a cannula. Specifically, Vaser uses ultrasound energy waves to generate heat, which works to quickly break apart fat cells for easy removal and tightens the skin.1

    How do I know if my gynecomastia is caused by breast tissue or excess fat?

    To determine whether your gynecomastia results from excess fat or breast tissue, we suggest that you see a doctor who can examine you for a proper diagnosis. Typically, breast tissue will have a firmer, more dense consistency than fat. Either way, Vaser liposuction can remove both excess fat and glandular tissue to create a more masculine appearance.

    How do I prepare for gynecomastia surgery?

    During your consultation, your gyno doctor will provide you with specific pre-operative instructions. If you smoke, you will need to quit at least two weeks prior to surgery, as smoking can increase surgical complications and slow healing times. Additionally, your doctor may suggest that you avoid certain medications and supplements that may result in excessive bleeding during surgery and recovery. It may also be a good idea to take steps before surgery to prepare for your recovery. This could include filling any prescriptions, purchasing some comfortable clothing, preparing some healthy meals and arranging for someone to pick you up from the hospital and assist with tasks at home.

    How painful is the procedure?

    Gynecomastia surgery is performed under sedation and local anaesthesia, which means that you should not experience any pain during surgery. Any pain or discomfort experienced during your recovery can be relieved with medications prescribed by your doctor.

    How long does gynecomastia surgery take?

    The time spent in surgery will depend on the amount of glandular tissue and fat that your doctor needs to remove. As a general rule, you can expect your gyno surgery to take between one and three hours to complete.

    How noticeable are gynecomastia surgery scars?

    Although scarring is an inevitable part of any invasive surgery, it is rare to experience significant scarring after a male breast reduction. This is because your liposuction incisions are only small and can be hidden in the natural contours of the chest.

    When will I see my male breast reduction results?

    While you should notice an immediate improvement in your chest contour after gyno surgery, you will need to wait for post-operative swelling to subside before your full results become apparent. It may take between three and six months for swelling to subside entirely, during which time your results will appear gradually.

    Are male breast reduction results permanent?

    While gynecomastia surgery results are usually permanent, further weight gain, hormonal imbalances, or use of recreational drugs can trigger new growth of breast tissue. As such, it is important to treat any underlying conditions before considering a male breast reduction.

    How can I maintain my gynecomastia results?

    In order to achieve the best gyno results, you should reach a sustainable goal weight before having surgery. This is because additional weight loss can lead to excess skin, while future weight gain can cause your man boobs to redevelop. You can maintain your weight by leading a healthy lifestyle, with regular exercise and a balanced diet. We also suggest you avoid taking recreational drugs after surgery, as this can also cause the breasts to swell again.

    What is the right age to have a male breast reduction?

    Many boys experience gynecomastia during adolescence as a result of the hormonal fluctuations that occur during this time. However, we normally suggest that our patients wait until they have turned 18 before considering surgery, as man boobs often go away on their own after puberty. Despite that, if the gynecomastia is severe and seriously impacts a patient’s quality of life, early treatment may be appropriate.

    Is gyno surgery suitable for massive weight loss patients?

    Experiencing massive weight loss is a major achievement, however, it does change the body in many ways. Unfortunately, many men who have lost large amounts of weight are still left with stubborn pockets of fat in certain areas that just don’t seem to budge. The chest is one common problem area.

    These unwanted fat deposits may leave you feeling unsatisfied with your weight loss achievements and affect your self-image. A male breast reduction can help recontour the chest to achieve a more proportionate appearance.

    What are the risks and side effects associated with gyno surgery?

    Although our Vaser liposuction technique is regarded as less risky than traditional liposuction, every procedure still comes with risk. Despite that, serious complications are rare, and we’ve performed thousands of male breast reductions at Cosmos Aesthetics without incident. Some of the potential side effects you may experience after gyno surgery include:

    • Persistent swelling
    • Pain and aching
    • Bruising and bleeding
    • Poor scarring
    • Numbness
    • Fluid accumulation under the skin
    • Changes in breast and nipple sensation
    • Skin irregularities
    • Asymmetry of the chest
    • Blood clots


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    Our experienced team of medical practitioners, doctors and registered nurses are committed to the expert delivery of timeless natural beauty.
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